Friday, June 12, 2009

My Testimony

In September of 1990 a co-worker invited me to church on a Wednesday night. In the first two services that I attended with him and his family, I walked out while the message was being preached. I had thought at the time, that my co-worker had called the pastor on the phone after I had opened up about some things in my life and shared them with him. I know now that that wasn't the case. It was not only the conviction of the Holy Spirit but God calling out to me to be saved. I could hear God saying, "I don't care where you come from, only where your going""repent and accept me in your heart". Looking back at both times of walking out of that church, I later found out from my co-workers wife that he would ask her, "What am I doing wrong? I bring him and he leaves! I bring him and he leaves!".

The third time I attended with them, I stayed for the benediction. At the end of the service, the Pastor asked the congregation, if anyone needed prayer raise your hand. We'll who doesn't need prayer I thought. Every one that I could see sitting around me had their head bowed and there eyes closed, so I figured why not since no one was looking. The Pastor stated while hands were raised, "If you raised your hand, stand up and come on down here and we're going to pray for you". I quickly put my hand down but at that time, the Pastor was looking towards my direction and saw me put my hand down. The pastor said "No! No! No! Don't put your hand down!". At that moment I knew he was talking to me, I thought to myself, "Man, he saw me! I need to get out of here!", but the Lord kept me in my seat.

As the Pastor was about to pray for those that had walked to the front, he looked up at the congregation and asked, "If this is something new for you, maybe you're embarrassed, afraid, or ashamed, God can touch you where you're at." The Pastor asked, "Say this prayer with us at your seat" and so I did repeat the prayer and I did ask Jesus Christ into my heart and life that night.

At the end of the service as I was leaving out of the church. I turned around to look back through the glass double doors of the entrance/exit. I felt a difference within myself. I couldn't explain it at the time. After that, I felt drawn to keep coming back to this church, my new home. Now I know, that that night was the night that I had received Christ as my Lord and Savior and was adopted into a new family, I became born again. I didn't want my old life back, I kept coming back for more.

Since then I've been a part of many of my church activities and ministries that have helped to raise and mature me as a Christian and as a man of God. I give praise to God for that friend, co-worker or family member who brings someone to church. You never know how much that person may be touched and set free from the things of the world.

I thank God for my salvation and my x co-worker now brother in Christ who led me to the Lord, who is now a Pastor of his own church in Austin, Texas. Thanks, Art.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your testimony brother Robert. Thank God you stood up in your heart for Christ. That decision has led to your growth since then. Continue to grow in the Lord.
