Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Holy Spirit

One of the most serious errors in the minds of many people concerning the Holy Spirit is that He is simply a principle or influence. On the contrary, the Holy Spirit is as much a person (individual existence of a conscious being) as the Father and the Son:

a. The personality of the Holy Spirit; The Bible speaks of the mind (Rom. 8:27) and will (1 cor.12:11) of the Holy Spirit. He is often described as speaking directly to men in the Book of Acts. During Paul's second missionary journey, the apostle was forbidden by the Spirit to visit a certain mission field (Acts 16:6,7) and then instructed to proceed toward another field of service (Acts 16:10). It was God's Spirit who spoke directly to Christian leaders in the Antioch church, commanding them to send Paul and Barnabas on their first missionary journey (Acts 13:2).

b. The Deity of the Holy Spirit; He is not only a real Person, but He is also God. As is God the Father, He too is everywhere at once (Ps. 139:7). As the Son is eternal, the Holy Spirit is equal with the Father and Son. This is seen during the baptism of Christ (Math. 28:19,20).

There are also three wonderful works performed by the Holy Spirit in preparing unsaved people to become Christians:

a. The work of the Holy Spirit restrains; Satan would enjoy nothing more than to destroy people before they make their decision to accept Christ as Savior. But the Holy Spirit prevents this from occurring (Is. 59:19).

b. The work of the Holy Spirit convicts; Humankind's sin and righteousness are exposed by the Holy Spirit (John 16:8). There are two well-known examples of sinners being convicted by the Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts. Felix, a Roman governor, actually trembles under conviction as he hears Paul preach (Acts 26:28). The other case involves King Agrippa who responds to a gospel message by saying: "You almost persuade me to become a Christian" (Acts26:28).

c. The work of the Holy Spirit regenerates; When repenting sinners accept Christ as Savior, they are given a new nature by the Holy Spirit. (2 Cor. 5:17). Jesus carefully explained this ministry of the Holy Spirit to Nicodemus (John 3:3-7).

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