Thursday, July 9, 2009

Sharing our faith

Sharing our faith is a combination of spontaneous conversation about God and about premeditated ideas about the gospel. The following is a set of practical steps to take in witnessing for Christ.

a. Regularly talk about God. Sprinkle your ordinary conversation with occasional references to God's activity in your life. It is much easier to share your faith when your friends know God is an important part of your affairs.

b. Prepare your testimony. Learn to describe your pre-Christian life, your encounter with Christ, and the order of changes in your life in less then 5 minutes. If you became a Christian as a child, focus on the impact Christ has had on your adult life.

c. Learn a brief summary of the gospel. If you have never learned how to present the gospel, ask a friend who you consider to be mature in the Lord, a good witness and experienced in sharing his or her faith. I remember years ago when working for Juvenile probation, I was assigned by my supervisor to be trained by three seasoned co-workers separately, when I first began. Each gentleman had a gift and talent for working with juveniles and getting the job done. I borrowed what they had and applied them as my own, after a while my own style was formed though practice.

When you have opportunity to share Christ with someone, be sensitive to that person's spiritual readiness. Go as far as you can in moving forward with talking about the Lord, telling your story of faith, presenting the gospel, and attracting a commitment of faith in Christ. Often you will sense that your friend or whoever is listening at the time has heard all he or she wants to. When you stop, be sure to mention that "maybe we can continue this conversation about the Lord another time". Try to keep the subject open.

Try to share your faith as much as possible till it becomes second nature to you. Practice, practice, practice. The apostle Paul shows us how this should be done. He witnesses everywhere, in a prison at midnight (Acts 16:25-31), and even on a sinking ship during a dark and stormy day (Acts 27:20-25).

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