Thursday, September 10, 2009

Cure for Doubt

The cure for doubt depends to some extent on the thing doubted. However, the real problem is not in the object doubted but in the subject who doubts. Therefore, the following steps should be taken by the doubting Christian.

a. Confess the doubt to God as sin. Doubt is basically unbelief in God and His Word and is therefore sin (Rom. 14:23; Heb. 11:6). God has promised to hear our confession of even the darkest unbelief.

b. Study the evidence for the Christian faith. Christians have nothing to fear by looking into the facts from any source of knowledge. The greatest evidence for the validity of Christianity, the resurrection of Christ, is attested by many proofs. Among these are the empty tomb, post-resurrection appearances, and transformed disciples. Since the resurrection is true, it verifies everything the Bible says.

c. Make certain of your salvation. Paul exhorts Christians to examine themselves to make sure they are Christians (2 Cor. 13:5). So did the author of Heb. (Heb. 6:1-9). Untill you are assured of your salvation you will be troubled by enormous doubts.

d. Faithfully study the Word of God. "Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God" (Rom. 10:17). Through study and application of the Bible, our faith is strengthened and matured. Most especially, we must master the doctrines or basic teachings of the Bible if we are to be stable, mature Christians (1 Tim. 4:13, 16; 2 Tim. 3:16; Titus 2:1,10).

e. Pray. The surest way to face doubts when they come is to have an extensive past history of answered prayer. The more a Christian prays with faith, the more that Christian sees God answer prayer. The more a person sees God answer prayer, the stronger that person's faith becomes while the doubt becomes less.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Occasions of Doubt

Doubt may be defined as an uncertainty of belief or lack of confidence in something. Applied to the Christian life, doubt refers to the unbelief in God and His Word that Christians occasionally exhibit. It is possible that in a moment of infirmity a Christian may doubt the existence of God in spite of the fact that it is not reasonable for a person to disbelieve this obvious truth (Ps. 14:1). A Christian is more likely to doubt his salvation after sinning or after a spiritual defeat. A misunderstanding of such verses as (1 John 3:9) contributes to this doubt: "Whoever has been born of God does not sin." It is crucial to note that this verse speaks of a lifestyle of sin, not instances of sin.

A Christian may also doubt God's sovereignty or His goodness. In such circumstances as sickness, suffering, injustice, opposition, economic problems, family problems, national calamity, or apparently unanswered prayer, a Christian may be tempted to doubt the goodness of God. One must remember that it is not always possible to descern God's good hand in the affairs of life. The person of faith believes God even when circumstances appear to the contrary.

All doubt may be traced ultimately to unbelif in the Word of God, which affirms beyond question the existence and character of God. To regard doubt as the sin of unbelief and then confess it to God as sin is therefore the first step toward conquering it.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

God's Word Cleanses

One of the pieces of furniture in the Old Testament tabernacle was called the bronze laver (ex. 38:8). It consisted of a huge upright bronze bowl filled with water, resting upon a pedestal. The priest would often stop at this laver and wash. The Word of God may be thought of in terms of that laver, for it too has the power to cleanes. The Old Testiment laver could only remove the physical dirt from human hands, but the Scriptures possess the ability to take away our moral filth (1 Pet. 1:22).

"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (1 John 1:9). What areas of my life can the Bible cleanse?

It can cleanse me from wrong thoughts. Sometimes we are tempted to think critically of others. God's word can prevent this (Ps. 1:2). On other occasions fearful thoughts may race through our minds. The Scripture will prevent this also (Josh. 1:8). In fact, the Bible will establish our total thoughtlife if we but allow it to do so (Phil. 4:8, 9;2 Pet. 1:5-10).

It can cleanse me from wrong words. Of all the Bible authors, James seems to be God's expert on the sins of the human tongue. In the first chapter of his book, he deals with this very thing and shows the absolute necessity of dependence upon the Scriptures to keep our words true (James 1:22-26).

It cleanses me from wrong actions. Jesus promised us this would be the case. "You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you" (John 15:3).

Finally, God's Word will keep us from wrong thoughts, words, and actions; or else wrong thoughts, words, and actions will keep us from God's Word. Amen

Monday, August 10, 2009


One of the most remarkable chapters in the Old Testament is (Ps. 51). This psalm contains the actual words of confession uttered by King David after his great sins of adultery and murder (2 Sam. 11).

This prayer can serve as a pattern to Christians when guilty of sin today.

a. David begins his prayer by freely admitting his sin (Ps. 51:3,4). This honesty is vital in our confession. God will graciously forgive all our sins, but not on account of our excuses.

b. He then displays real sorrow over his sin (Ps. 51:17). Paul writes (2 Cor. 7:10) that the main characteristic of true confession is godly sorrow.

c. He asks God's forgiveness (Ps. 51: 1,7-9).

d. He believes God has heard him and will restore him (Ps. 51:12-15).

In the New Testament the most important single verse concerning confession is (1 John 1:9). In essence John tells us the means of forgiveness and cleansing is the blood of Christ, while the method of this forgiveness and cleansing is the confession of the Christian.

Like David, we must admit our sin, plead the blood of Christ, and believe that God has indeed done what He promised, namely, to cleanse us from sin and restore us to fellowship and service.

(Rom. 8:1) There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

God Through His Word

One of the most vital teachings of Scripture is that God can be known. The highest knowledge to which men and women can attain is a personal knowledge of God (Jer. 9:24). People do not naturally possess this knowledge (Rom. 3:10,11), even though they know He exists (Ps. 14:1; Rom. 1:19,20). Knowing that God exists is not the same as knowing God personally, just as knowing about the President does not mean that you necessarily know him personally. This knowledge of God is crucial, however, since to know God personally is to be saved and have eternal life (John 17:3).

People should rejoice in the fact that God earnestly wants them to attain his knowledge. That is why He has spoken to us in His Word, revealing Himself and disclosing the means by which we may know Him.

While God surely can be known, there is always more to be learned about Him. There are many Scriptures that teach that our knowledge of God is partial. It is said to be "too wonderful" (Ps. 139:6), "unsearchable" (Ps. 147:5). Since our knowledge of God is incomplete, we must increase it through Spiritual growth. Paul, for example, prays to know God better (Phil. 3:10). We are even commanded to grow in the knowledge of Christ (2 Pet. 3:18). The development of one's intimate knowledge of God constitutes one of the greatest delights of the Christian life.

The Bible also reveals that God cannot be known personally apart from His Word. It contains the gospel that must be believed (Eph. 1:13), and the gospel brings forth saving faith in itself (Rom. 10:17). The gospel can therefore be called "the power of God to salvation" (Rom. 1:16). The part that the Scriptures and the gospel contain within them play in bringing people to know God is described in three important illustrations:

1. The gospel is the agent of the new birth (James 1:18), that is, it is like the implant seed without which the conception of new life cannot occur.

2. It is also a cleansing agent through which God gives the believing sinner a spiritual bath that results in salvation (Eph. 5:26).

3. The Scriptures are like an educator bringing the wisdom that leads to salvation (2 Tim. 3:15). So bring the Word, bring the rain of God and be a light in this world.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Holy Spirit

One of the most serious errors in the minds of many people concerning the Holy Spirit is that He is simply a principle or influence. On the contrary, the Holy Spirit is as much a person (individual existence of a conscious being) as the Father and the Son:

a. The personality of the Holy Spirit; The Bible speaks of the mind (Rom. 8:27) and will (1 cor.12:11) of the Holy Spirit. He is often described as speaking directly to men in the Book of Acts. During Paul's second missionary journey, the apostle was forbidden by the Spirit to visit a certain mission field (Acts 16:6,7) and then instructed to proceed toward another field of service (Acts 16:10). It was God's Spirit who spoke directly to Christian leaders in the Antioch church, commanding them to send Paul and Barnabas on their first missionary journey (Acts 13:2).

b. The Deity of the Holy Spirit; He is not only a real Person, but He is also God. As is God the Father, He too is everywhere at once (Ps. 139:7). As the Son is eternal, the Holy Spirit is equal with the Father and Son. This is seen during the baptism of Christ (Math. 28:19,20).

There are also three wonderful works performed by the Holy Spirit in preparing unsaved people to become Christians:

a. The work of the Holy Spirit restrains; Satan would enjoy nothing more than to destroy people before they make their decision to accept Christ as Savior. But the Holy Spirit prevents this from occurring (Is. 59:19).

b. The work of the Holy Spirit convicts; Humankind's sin and righteousness are exposed by the Holy Spirit (John 16:8). There are two well-known examples of sinners being convicted by the Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts. Felix, a Roman governor, actually trembles under conviction as he hears Paul preach (Acts 26:28). The other case involves King Agrippa who responds to a gospel message by saying: "You almost persuade me to become a Christian" (Acts26:28).

c. The work of the Holy Spirit regenerates; When repenting sinners accept Christ as Savior, they are given a new nature by the Holy Spirit. (2 Cor. 5:17). Jesus carefully explained this ministry of the Holy Spirit to Nicodemus (John 3:3-7).

Friday, July 17, 2009


God intended that the Christian life should be dynamic, not static. We should sit under the teaching of the Word of God, understand and apply it's meaning and implications, and serve God and our fellow believers. The spirit of God has given us spiritual gifts, but those are worthless unless they are put to use in the service of God and his church.

Paul often uses the figure of the human body to show the dependence of the members of the body upon one another and the importance of each member serving the other (Rom. 12:4,5; 1 Cor. 12: 12-31). While some members of the body have prominent places of service than others, all are equally important. The worst thing that can happen to the human body is for one of it's members to become nonfunctioning. Paralysis, sickness, deterioration, and sometimes death occur when a body member ceases to serve the other members of the body in the particular way that God intended.

To maintain strength, health, and vitality, every member of the body must function and serve all the other members of the body. This is also true of the spiritual or new life. We will grow in the new life, become strong, and maintain good spiritual health as we use the talents and abilities that God has given us to meet the needs of the other members of the body.

And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work. (2 Cor. 9:8). There is no better indicator of growth in Christ than in the area of giving of one self. The attitude one should have in giving-it should be cheerful. When giving is cheerful, it will also be generous.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Sharing our faith

Sharing our faith is a combination of spontaneous conversation about God and about premeditated ideas about the gospel. The following is a set of practical steps to take in witnessing for Christ.

a. Regularly talk about God. Sprinkle your ordinary conversation with occasional references to God's activity in your life. It is much easier to share your faith when your friends know God is an important part of your affairs.

b. Prepare your testimony. Learn to describe your pre-Christian life, your encounter with Christ, and the order of changes in your life in less then 5 minutes. If you became a Christian as a child, focus on the impact Christ has had on your adult life.

c. Learn a brief summary of the gospel. If you have never learned how to present the gospel, ask a friend who you consider to be mature in the Lord, a good witness and experienced in sharing his or her faith. I remember years ago when working for Juvenile probation, I was assigned by my supervisor to be trained by three seasoned co-workers separately, when I first began. Each gentleman had a gift and talent for working with juveniles and getting the job done. I borrowed what they had and applied them as my own, after a while my own style was formed though practice.

When you have opportunity to share Christ with someone, be sensitive to that person's spiritual readiness. Go as far as you can in moving forward with talking about the Lord, telling your story of faith, presenting the gospel, and attracting a commitment of faith in Christ. Often you will sense that your friend or whoever is listening at the time has heard all he or she wants to. When you stop, be sure to mention that "maybe we can continue this conversation about the Lord another time". Try to keep the subject open.

Try to share your faith as much as possible till it becomes second nature to you. Practice, practice, practice. The apostle Paul shows us how this should be done. He witnesses everywhere, in a prison at midnight (Acts 16:25-31), and even on a sinking ship during a dark and stormy day (Acts 27:20-25).

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Empowered by God and walking in the Spirit

One of the most common excuses for not becoming a Christian is the fear of failure to live the Christian life. Besides overlooking the fact that people cannot be saved on the basis of good works (Titus 3:5), this objection ignores the truth that God provides the power to live the Christian life. Before Christ was crucified He promised the coming of the Holy Spirit to help believers (John 16:13,14). The order of events of the Book of Acts supply ample evidence of the fulfillment of this prophecy (Acts 4:7, 33;6,8).

The power of the Holy Spirit was not designed soley for the first-century church. Rather, all Christians are indwelt by the Spirit and thus have His power available (1 cor. 6:19). However, living the Christian life under the Spirits power must not be thought of as simply allowing the Spirit to take control while the believer does nothing. Believers still must live the Christian life, though they do it through the Spirits power. Rom. 8:13 says, "if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live".

Christians who struggle in their own strength to live the Christian life will fail. We must by faith appropriate daily the power of the Holy Spirit (Rom. 8:4,5). To describe in a practical way, this means that believers trust the Holy Spirit to empower them in specific instances such as sharing their faith with others, resisting temptation, being faithful, and so on. There is no secret formula that makes the Holy Spirit's power available. It is simply a reliance on the Spirit of God to help.

Often the Christian will doubt his/her salvation simply because he/she does not feel saved, not understanding that the basis for that salvation is the promise of God and not emotional feelings. In fact, the entire Trinity is involved in this.

To be filled with the Spirit is to be controlled by the Spirit and is therefore crucial to successfully living the Christian life. How can someone be filled with Spirit? Unlike the indwelling of the Spirit, filling is a repeated experience. Christians who were filled more than once (Acts 2:4; 4:31). Just as important, we must observe that filling is a command to be obeyed not an option.

How can someone be filled with Spirit? Prior conditions are simply confession of sin and yielding to God. The believer who chooses to obey in these areas is filled with the Spirit and enabled to manifest Christ-like character. This obedience may be accompanied by prayer but is not necessarily so.

The certainty of being filled with the Spirit may be confirmed by the believer's faith and life. The believer must of course, believe God's Word that meeting the conditions will result in the filling. The Spirit-filled person will exhibit the Christ-like character described in (Gal. 5:22, 23) as the fruit of the Spirit.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Your Dash

I recently heard a message from a Pastor friend of mine of an iconic celebrity who had just passed away. The story was shared of someone who had spent time traveling with this celebrity on and off for decades, until shortly before his death. The story was a sorrowful one, populated by the abuse of prescription drugs, loneliness, lavish spending and of hiring and firing of people constantly because of paranoia that people were always stealing from him. One of having a physician traveling with him constantly giving him daily injections to keep him going, such a sad life. He also shared that this man had no relationship with his family and to fill the void he paid people to be around him just so that he would never be alone.

The Pastor continued to share of a funeral that he was invited to speak at recently. The passing of a good man, father, uncle to some and a grandfather to others. He said, what was different about this funeral was that everyone in this man's family had stories of how this man had touched their lives one way or another. If someone had a flat tire in the middle of the night at whatever time this father, uncle or grandfather would get out of bed and come to their aid. If your car was broke down he would help you fix it or give you a ride. This man's family had so many stories of how in so many ways he touched their lives. What a legacy this man left behind for his family.

The pastor shared a small testimony of the x boss of this man who also attended the funeral. The x boss shared with the family that before this man retired, for the past ten years this man had perfect attendance at work. Can you imagine ten years of perfect attendance on your job. This man was employed as a custodian for this company, the pastor stated. The gentleman shared of how when this man was requested to clean an office for a meeting, he would go out of his way not only to clean the office immaculately but the hallway and other rooms near by as well. This man would always go the extra mile one way or another, such a testament.

But then the Pastor spoke concerning a tomb stone from a grave sight, as we know, it has a name with some writing on it for example beloved wife, husband, son or daughter. Then the date of birth, a dash and the date of death. You know we see the date of birth and of death but what of the dash, that little line. Such a small insignificant thing to see on a tombstone that everyone misses or passes by. It's that dash that represents your life and so I ask you this day, what would your dash say about you? What would people say about your life? What about "Your-Dash"?

Friday, June 12, 2009

My Testimony

In September of 1990 a co-worker invited me to church on a Wednesday night. In the first two services that I attended with him and his family, I walked out while the message was being preached. I had thought at the time, that my co-worker had called the pastor on the phone after I had opened up about some things in my life and shared them with him. I know now that that wasn't the case. It was not only the conviction of the Holy Spirit but God calling out to me to be saved. I could hear God saying, "I don't care where you come from, only where your going""repent and accept me in your heart". Looking back at both times of walking out of that church, I later found out from my co-workers wife that he would ask her, "What am I doing wrong? I bring him and he leaves! I bring him and he leaves!".

The third time I attended with them, I stayed for the benediction. At the end of the service, the Pastor asked the congregation, if anyone needed prayer raise your hand. We'll who doesn't need prayer I thought. Every one that I could see sitting around me had their head bowed and there eyes closed, so I figured why not since no one was looking. The Pastor stated while hands were raised, "If you raised your hand, stand up and come on down here and we're going to pray for you". I quickly put my hand down but at that time, the Pastor was looking towards my direction and saw me put my hand down. The pastor said "No! No! No! Don't put your hand down!". At that moment I knew he was talking to me, I thought to myself, "Man, he saw me! I need to get out of here!", but the Lord kept me in my seat.

As the Pastor was about to pray for those that had walked to the front, he looked up at the congregation and asked, "If this is something new for you, maybe you're embarrassed, afraid, or ashamed, God can touch you where you're at." The Pastor asked, "Say this prayer with us at your seat" and so I did repeat the prayer and I did ask Jesus Christ into my heart and life that night.

At the end of the service as I was leaving out of the church. I turned around to look back through the glass double doors of the entrance/exit. I felt a difference within myself. I couldn't explain it at the time. After that, I felt drawn to keep coming back to this church, my new home. Now I know, that that night was the night that I had received Christ as my Lord and Savior and was adopted into a new family, I became born again. I didn't want my old life back, I kept coming back for more.

Since then I've been a part of many of my church activities and ministries that have helped to raise and mature me as a Christian and as a man of God. I give praise to God for that friend, co-worker or family member who brings someone to church. You never know how much that person may be touched and set free from the things of the world.

I thank God for my salvation and my x co-worker now brother in Christ who led me to the Lord, who is now a Pastor of his own church in Austin, Texas. Thanks, Art.